Sunday, March 1, 2015

One Influential event

National service was one influential event that changed my life. From the experience, I inculcated valuable lessons that have shaped my vision, and values.

            During Basic Military Training School, what I learnt most was discipline.  We were forced to push ourselves beyond our comfort zones to go beyond our initial physical limits. Especially for me who was obese for almost all of my life, this provided the crucial foundation that I needed to kick-start my sliming routine.  Riding on the momentum I gained during National service I was able to continue this exercise routine till today.

Passing out from Basic Military training (BMT), I was posted temporary a hosting unit in Seletar camp. There I met, for the first time, so many people that were came form diverse backgrounds. Having spent 10 years in the same school followed by 2 years in college, all my life I was surrounded by people who went the same route as me. Through the conversations with my campmates, I began to see the side of Singapore that I never knew existed. Issues of poverty, lack of education opportunities and various social issues that plagued their lives.  This challenged a lot of the beliefs that I was indoctrinated with since young. Upon deeper self-research and discovery it led to my initial involvement in social work. Moreover, it guided me to take up global studies as my major in university.

In conclusion National service has been influential in changing my outlook in life.  National service also taught me important values of discipline that would benefit me indefinitely.

(264 words)


  1. Hi Boon Siang!!

    Hehe I especially love to listen to NS stories from my brothers and guy friends because I've never and could never ever experience it! It sure sounds very tough going through all those physical trainings. I don't think it's only a test of one's physical capabilities but their mental and emotional strength too. I really salute to all the guys out there who have survived this NS phase.

    Most people have said these 2 years would be so redundant and a waste of time but then, contrary to this... after they have graduated from their NS, they define this phase as one of their most memorable event in their life. Also glad to know that you've broadened up your mind during this phase, where you got to mingle around with many people of various backgrounds and learn about their life stories and struggles.

    Really enjoyed reading your write up hehe good job!! :)

  2. Hi Boon!

    I often heard that NS is where boys become men haha. I am glad that NS has changed your outlooks in life instead of being a waste of time since that was sadly what some of my friends thought of. I think it is remarkable that you are able to experience such mindsets just by interacting with the locals which others sought to find through OCIPs. These mindsets will sure help you go a long way! :) Looking at guys talking about the positive changes NS had on their life, it made me feel like joining the army too sometimes. Also, I was honestly shocked to learn that you were obese last time because you're so slim now! I guess you must really thank NS hahaha. Seeing how you always run at least once per week to keep in shape (which seems like a huge task to me) led me to believe that NS was truly an influential event in your life. Please influence me on that, thanks! HAHAHA
